

We are grateful for the creativity that God has given our volunteers to put curriculums and lesson plans together that can help our children form a close relationship with Jesus. We are excited to share what we have in hope that ministering to your children may flourish.

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Media Pack

Did you know that Jesus invites us to come to Him? He wants us to come when we are busy, burdened, wanting to know him more, to worship him and so much more!

Our last series


Media Pack

Who is God? He is so many things and the perfection of each of them. In this series we will take a closer look at just some of the attributes of God that shows that He really is like none other and He is the only one that deserves our worship.

Some favourites

The Life of Peter

Peter was an ordinary person just like us and Jesus told him to follow Him.

The more we learn the more reasons we find to love Jesus.


Does the next generation know God? Do they know His might and the glorious deeds He has done? Do they know God has sent the only rescuer from sin – Jesus?
The only way they will know these things is if we tell them and we teach them. Why do we do so? So, they will set their hope in Him, not forget what He has done and obey His commands.

Who am I?

Finding my identity in Jesus.

From the moment we are born, we are given a name and are born into a family and culture. This is the beginning of our identity. Or is it? If we are to know who we are then we need to know what our Creator says about us.

Inside Out

Life lessons from the book of James.

God inspired James to write a letter to the Jewish believers and in just 5 short chapters God reminds us that we what believe on the inside needs to be shown in our actions on the outside too.

Hearing God Speak

God speaks in many different ways and the aim of this series is to get the children excited about wanting to build their personal relationship with Jesus so they can know and obey His voice.

Faith in our faithful God

In Hebrews 11 people are named specifically for their faith in God. In fact, some of these people don’t sound like heroes at all!

So where did their faith come from? It is clear to see in every situation that they had faith because GOD WAS FAITHFUL!

All Curriculums

Be a light to the world

The world can be a dark place, but God has given us His light. This curriculum is aimed at encouraging children to shine their light wherever God takes them.

Bible Detectives

Let’s investigate God’s Word together and instill a passion and revelation in our children that the Bible is God’s personal message to them.

Boast in the Lord

Boasting? Yes! Boasting in the Lord! In this curriculum we explore testimonies from the Bible and learn how to share our own. God is the greatest! Let’s shout it from the mountain tops!

Building God's Kingdom

The Greatest King looks at our children and says, “I have an important part for you to play in Building my Kingdom”. Let’s teach our children that God has called and equipped them to be a part of the church body.

Christ-Centred Life

Becoming a new Christian can often come with so many preconceived ideas and questions, but that’s what this curriculum is all about. Let’s take a look at some of the fundamental and important truths that we hold onto and have a life that is “Christ Centred”.

This curriculum was inspired by Cornerstone Church Johannesburg Christ Centred Life course.

Come to Jesus

Did you know that Jesus invites us to come to Him? He wants us to come when we are busy, burdened, wanting to know him more, to worship him and so much more!

Faith in our faithful God

In this curriculum we look at Hebrews 11 and at the stories of those specifically named for their faith in God. In fact, some of these people don’t sound like heroes at all!

So where did their faith come from? It is clear to see in every situation that they had faith because GOD WAS FAITHFUL!

Fight the Good Fight

We long for a generation who know how to fight the good fight of faith. A generation that will know they are called, despite their age, to serve God and love His people. This curriculum explores the books of 1 and 2 Timothy.

Follow me

Let’s meet the disciples one by one and grow in our understanding of what it means to be a “Follower of God.”

Get Real

No fakes allowed! God sees our hearts and can spot a fake one super quick! So, let’s learn together how to form a real relationship with Him, inside and out.

God is always with us

Wow, isn’t that such an amazing thought, that no matter where we go or what we do God is always there. God is there when we are afraid, when we’ve messed up, when things seem impossible and He is there even if others say He is not or when we don’t notice.

God is my God

Do you know that God is your hope, peace, love, joy, courage and so much more? This curriculum searches for God’s characteristics and aims to help our children display those same characteristics to the people around them.

God of the impossible

When God uses His power the impossible becomes possible. In this curriculum we take a look at some of the many miracles Jesus did in the Bible so that we would believe.

Hearing God Speak

God speaks in many different ways and the aim of this series is to get the children excited about wanting to build their personal relationship with Jesus so they can know and obey His voice.

Heart of Worship

Is there only one way we can worship God? Our desire for this curriculum is to teach our children the “Heart of Worship”. We want to reveal what genuine, Spirit-lead, unabandoned worship looks like and how we can display this kind of worship in every part of our lives.

I am

Jesus is the great “I Am”. When he said these statements, he was teaching us that life, security, hope, our identity, and salvation is only found in Him.

I am a Child of God

God is a Good Father, have you chosen to be His child? Let’s explore who God is. When we know all that, He has done and is still doing, our decision to call ourselves a “Child of God” is an easy one.

Inside Out

Life lessons from the book of James. God inspired James to write a letter to the Jewish believers and in just 5 short chapters God reminds us that we what believe on the inside needs to be shown in our actions on the outside too.

Jesus is the greatest

Who does the Bible say Jesus is? Creator, Son of God, Teacher, Saviour, humble servant and so much more! If Jesus is all of these things, how does that change our hearts?

Letters from Paul

Paul’s letters are full of guidance and encouragement. These messages from God through Paul’s letters are still relevant to us today! So, let’s explore the letters and put into practice what they are telling us to do.

Live Like Jesus

Our hope is for our children to have a personal revelation of who Jesus is and learn from His life so that they can live their lives the way He did.

Lord's Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer is the most perfect prayer because it is Jesus praying the very will of God. The aim is that our children are not only able to recite the prayer at the end, but that they will understand and believe what they are praying.

Love is

Love is real, it is a verb, it is displayed in all scenarios and love is a person named Jesus. The encouragement is that our children will grasp the reality of what love is.

Mission HIMpossible

In this curriculum we learn about the "Great Commission" and how Jesus used ordinary people just like us to continue the work He started.

Ready Set Go

The Israelites’ journey through the dessert was a long one, but there were lessons we can learn along the way. Our faithful and loving Father guided them and provided for them, even when they made mistakes. So, pack your things and let’s go!


Does the next generation know God? His might and the glorious deeds He has done? Do they know God has sent the only rescuer from sin – Jesus?
The only way they will know these things is if we tell them and we teach them. Why? So, they will set their hope in Him, not forget what He has done and obey His commands.

Seek and you will find God’s treasures

Have fun in this curriculum seeking all the “treasures” God has for us. The most valuable of these being Jesus! Salvation, the Word, the Holy Spirit and even our own gifts and talents! Will you find them all?

Stand Firm

God has given us His armour so that we can Stand Firm in any situation, knowing that the battle belongs to the Lord.

The King has Spoken

When Jesus was here on earth He told many stories, better known as Parables. In this series we take a closer look at some of those Parables. 
The King is speaking, are you ready to listen? 

The Life of Peter

Peter was an ordinary person just like us and Jesus told him to follow Him.

The more we learn the more reasons we find to love Jesus.

To the Church, Love from God

God has things that He wants His church (us) to do. He is generous and gives His church everything we need to do what He has asked us to do.

Victory in Jesus

We are victorious! God has given us the victory over temptation, fear and even death through His Son, Jesus!

Walk His Way

When we truly understand who Jesus is and what He has done, it becomes so easy to trust, believe and love Him. So how can we live a life that pleases Him?

Who am I?

From the moment we are born, we are given a name and are born into a family and culture. This is the beginning of our identity. Or is it? If we are to know who we are then we need to know what our Creator says about us.

Wow! How great is our God

Who is God? He is so many things and the perfection of each of them. In this series we will take a closer look at just some of the attributes of God that shows that He really is like none other and He is the only one that deserves our worship.

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