Quick Truths
God’s Word is filled with TRUTH!
Here are some quick to the point truths for you to show your children or perform yourself in class.
A Sure Hope

Be a witness

Be filled to tell others

Choose Jesus

Changed by God

Eagerly Waiting (Christmas)


Encourage one another

Every gift is Important

Faith Fall

Faith in the waiting


Filled with God's Spirit

Follow the plan



Getting rid of our sin

Give all your heart

God is the perfect judeg

God keeps His promises

God's unmeasurable love

Grumbling Man

Guard your heart

I just need you



Holy Spirit

How do we get to heaven?

How do we worship?

How to be a part God's team

Jesus is the greatest

Jesus tells the truth

King of all kings

Lavished with love

Listen and Obey

Listen to God

Loved while still sinners

Nothing is impossible for God

Plagues of Egypt

Protected by...


Romans Cake 20 Cake

Read the WHOLE BIble

Run the Race


Strong Foundation

Tell Others

The Bible is never outdated

The Good News is...

The Greatest Promise (Christmas)

The reason for the season (Christmas)

The reason you were made

The Sheep know the Shepherd's voice

The Speck and the Log

The Tomb is empty

The True You

The unexpected king

Trust the impossible



What's wrong with the world

Why we read the Bible

You have a purpose

You're Valuable

Be Prepared

You need to Look

Can you find it?

Where can we find God?