Walk His Way
Walk His Way
When we truly understand who Jesus is and what He
has done for us, it becomes so easy for us to trust, believe and love Him. And
when we truly love Him, we want to live a life that pleases Him and shows
others that we love and follow Him. But how do we live like that? How do we
know what to do? Or what pleases God?

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: Walk His way
(1 John 2:6)
God’s plan was and always will be for us to be close to Him and walk with Him. That’s why He sent Jesus. When we live our lives our own way, following our own ideas and opinions, we are like the people who baked their cakes without following instructions from the professionals.
Lesson 2: Walking with purpose
(1 Corinthians 10:31)
God has created us with a purpose and it is ridiculous when we don’t do the things He has created us for. Our purpose as part of God’s family (church) is to give praise and glory to Him.
Lesson 3: Walk in love
(Ephesians 5:1-2)
When we think of how much God loves us and what He has done for us it is easy for us to love Him and love others. Jesus’ life and death was all about loving us.
Lesson 4: Walk like Jesus
(Ephesians 5:1)
Jesus is the best example of how to imitate God. Just like Jesus we need to love God, stay close to Him, speak up and put God first.
Lesson 5: Walk in forgiveness
(Colossians 3:13)
Sometimes we think our sin is really small and no big deal but we need to remember that ALL have sinned and that we ALL need Jesus to forgive us. In the same way, God wants us to forgive others. Simon didn’t think he needed forgiveness or that he needed to forgive but he learnt that he was just as separated from God as the woman was.
Lesson 6: Walk like God made you
(Ephesians 2:10)
God wants us to believe the things He says about us because He has a good plan for our lives. We need to hold onto that identity no matter what happens around us or what people say about us so we can fulfill those plans. David is a good example of someone who only believed what he knew God had said about him.
Lesson 7: Walk in unity
(Ephesians 4:3)
God calls us, His people, to live in peace and work together. Sometimes we might think we are not good enough or strong enough or that we can do things on our own without God but this lesson teaches us that working together we can achieve more for His Kingdom.
Lesson 8: Walk in thankfulness
(Ephesians 5:20)
We have so much to thank God for. Hannah was so thankful to God for the baby He had given her that she kept her promise to give him back to God.
Lesson 9: Walk in wisdom
(James 1:5)
Knowing what to do and doing it are two very different things. Wisdom is knowing what pleases God and actually living in a way that pleases God. Paul knew, loved and trusted God and God gave him wisdom in every situation that he was in.
Lesson 10: Walk in a manner worthy
(Ephesians 4:24)
When we accept and believe the truth of God and the gift He has given us, our hearts and minds change and we live lives that please Him.