Seek and you will find God’s treasures
Seek and you will find God’s treasures
Have fun in this curriculum seeking all the “treasures” God has for us. The most valuable of these being Jesus! Salvation, the Word, the Holy Spirit and even our own gifts and talents! Will you find them all?

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: …God is the greatest treasure
(Jeremiah 29:13)
God is our greatest treasure, and He says that if we seek Him, we will find Him. The lady with the blood issue knew that all she needed to do was get close to Jesus and she would be healed. And if we spend time seeking Jesus the way that lady did, we will find Him too.
Lesson 2: …Salvation
(John 14:2)
Jesus has gone ahead of us to prepare a place for us in Heaven. Jesus is the only one who can take away our sin so that we can live with Him in Heaven when we die. The bible gives us clues about what Heaven will be like and it’s more beautiful than we could ever imagine!
Lesson 3: …the answer in the Word
(Proverbs 2:1-6)
God has given us the Bible. It is like a treasure map that guides us to live the way God wants us to. If we keep these treasures in our hearts, we can face any situation.
Lesson 4: …your value as God’s treasure
(Ephesians 2:10)
You are God’s treasure! You are His masterpiece, His most prized possession. We need to be able to block the lies people tell us with the truths God tells us about who we are to Him.
Lesson 5: …your talents are your treasures
(1 Peter 4:10)
Our talents are like treasures that God Himself has given us! Let’s use them to bring glory to Him. We can start by holding a mini talent show and showcasing the talents God has given us. Then we hear the story of the master and his servants.
Lesson 6: …the Holy Spirit
(Acts 1:8)
The Holy Spirit is a treasure given to us by God. We need to seek the Holy Spirit and we will find Him. Holy Spirit empowers us so that we can tell others about Jesus. Philip is empowered by the Holy Spirit to help the Ethiopian understand that we need Jesus.
Lesson 7: …you are a treasure to others
(2 Corinthians 1:4; Colossians 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 5:11)
We can show people Jesus by comforting, encouraging, teaching and loving them. People are God’s treasures, and we need to treasure our friends, families and those who God has placed us with.
Lesson 8: …lost treasures
(Luke 19:10)
Without Jesus we are lost. When we believe in Jesus it is like finding the most valuable treasure! People who do not know Jesus are like lost treasure who need to be found. It is up to us to share Jesus with all the lost people so that they may follow Him too. The lady who lost one of her ten coins looked and looked until she found it.
Lesson 9: …treasures in Heaven
(Matthew 6:20)
Treasure here on earth (material possessions, wealth and status) are not as valuable as our relationship with Jesus and the reward in Heaven He has for us. The rich man asks Jesus an important question but does not like the answer.
Lesson 10: …where your heart is
(Matthew 6:21)
We should treasure Jesus above everything else. When we put Jesus first in our hearts and in our lives, like the old lady and her last coins, our reward will be greater than anything this world can give us.