Letters from Paul
Letters from Paul
Paul’s letters are full of guidance and encouragement. These messages from God through Paul’s letters are still relevant to us today! So, let’s explore the letters and put into practice what they are telling us to do.

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: Hearing God
(Matthew 4:4)
The life of Paul shows us that God speaks to us in many ways like dreams, visions, in a loud voice, a quiet whisper, through the Holy Spirit, His word and through others. Are you ready to listen?
Lesson 2: Letters on Love
(John 13:34)
If you read all the letters written in the Bible, whether by Paul or others, you will see that again and again they write about love. If God chose for love to be mentioned so many times in the Bible do you think it is something we need to do?
Lesson 3: Letters on the fruits of the spirit
(Galatians 5:22, 25)
Through games and crafts children learn what each of the fruit of the spirit are and mean.
Lesson 4: Letters on Salvation
(Romans 5:8)
Romans Road is a fun way to take children through the Bible verses that teach us about Salvation through believing Jesus.
Lesson 5: Letters on God’s grace
(Romans 3:24)
The free gift of grace from God means we are saved from our sins, are made more like Him and are given all the help we need to do the things God has planned for us.
Lesson 6: Letters on Do not be afraid
(Philippians 4:6)
Jehoshaphat was a king that was afraid because his enemies were ready to attack and so what did he do? He went to God for help, and God gave him victory.
Lesson 7: Letters to Pray
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Things didn’t look great for Peter. He was in prison with 16 guards watching him day and night. But he wasn’t alone. The church knew what they needed to do. They needed to get together and pray! Miraculously their prayers were answered.
Lesson 8: Letters to Encourage each other
(1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Looking at the letters and life of Barnabas can help us learn how to encourage others too.
Lesson 9: Letters to Put on your new self
(Ephesians 4:24)
Finding out more about Jesus should want us to change from our old ways and put on the new righteous and holy nature that comes from loving Jesus.