Follow me
Follow me
Let’s meet the disciples of Jesus one by one and grow in our understanding of what it means to be a “Follower of God.”

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: Jesus calls us to follow Him
(Matthew 4:19)
Jesus wants you to be a fisher of men. Find out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
Lesson 2: Andrew brings others to Jesus
(Mark 16:15)
We have good news to tell others – let them know who Jesus is and what He has done.
Lesson 3: Simon Peter gets it right/wrong
(Psalm 25;4)
Sometimes we get things right and sometimes we get things wrong – but Jesus always forgives.
Lesson 4: Jesus came for sinners like Matthew
(Mark 2:17)
Isn’t it wonderful to know that Jesus came to seek and save lost sinners like you and me. Let’s learn about Matthew the tax collector and see the love Jesus showed him.
Lesson 5: John & James have a change of heart
(1 John 4:16)
We must love others as God has loved us. Are we willing to choose Jesus over everything?
Lesson 6: Judas Iscariot & Thaddaeus (good Judas) say they love Jesus
(John 14:23)
There is a difference between saying you love Jesus and actually loving Jesus. Mary anointed Jesus with expensive perfume and Judas said the money should be used for the poor. Who do you think was really loving Jesus?
Lesson 7: Thomas stops doubting and believes
(John 20:27)
We need to stop doubting Jesus and believe He will provide, heal, help and do the things He has promised.
Lesson 8: Philip & Nathanael (Bartholomew) learn that Jesus knows everything
(Psalm 139:1-18)
Jesus knows everything about you. When you are awake, asleep, standing up or even what you are thinking. We can trust that He knows what is best for us.
Lesson 9: James (the less) & Simon the zealot, glorify Jesus
(Psalm 115:1)
Jesus calls us so that His name can be glorified and not our own.
Lesson 10: Jesus chooses YOU as His disciple
(Matthew 28:19-20)
Jesus has given us a message, a mission and a motive. Are you ready to lead others to Jesus?