Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus
Did you know that Jesus invites us to come to Him? He wants us to come when we are busy, burdened, wanting to know him more, to worship him and so much more!

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: Let the children come
(Matthew 19:14)
The Bible is filled with invitations from Jesus for us to be a part of His Kingdom, to love and follow Him, to tell others about Him and to come close to Him. And the best part is that you don’t have to wait until you are all grown up. All of these invitations are for you right now.
Lesson 2: Come and follow Jesus
(Matthew 4:19)
When we choose to follow Jesus and grow close to Him, we start to live like Him. When others see our lives loving God and loving others, they will see Jesus.
Lesson 3: Come and see for yourself
(John 17:3)
Nathanael didn’t rely on Philp’s knowledge of Jesus, he went to see for himself. Peter didn’t rely on Andrew’s knowledge of Jesus, he went to see for himself too. When you accept Jesus’ invitation to come and get to know Him for yourself, you will see how amazing He is and then you can call others to come and get to know Him too.
Lesson 4: Come to Jesus with your burdens
(Matthew 11:28)
When we are tired of carrying heavy burdens, whatever they may be, Jesus says that if we bring those heavy burdens to Him, He can give us rest.
Lesson 5: Come and rest with Jesus
(Mark 6:31)
Jesus wants you to make time for Him in your busy lives. The Bible teaches us that even when we are busy being busy for Jesus, He still wants to spend time alone with you. God knows how important rest is, remember He’s the one who made a whole day to do just that!
Lesson 6: Come to Jesus for righteousness
(Isaiah 61:10)
We can only be in God’s presence if we are righteous and have no sin and nothing we do can take away our sin. Jesus called this “the robe of righteousness.” Jesus told a story about a king who invited everyone to a great feast to help us understand what this robe of righteousness is. Only by believing in Jesus can we be forgiven from our sin and be made righteous.
Lesson 7: Come to Jesus for living water
(John 7:37-38)
When we believe in Jesus, He promises us “Living Water.” The Holy Spirit gives us everything we need just like a cool drink of water on a hot day.
Lesson 8: You can always come to Jesus
(Daniel 9:9)
No matter what you have done or where you are, you can always come to Jesus. He never stops loving us, He is always ready to remove our sins because He is merciful and forgiving.
Lesson 9: Come inherit the Kingdom
(Matthew 25:34)
Most of us would agree that we would do anything for Jesus. How wonderful is it to think that when we are helping, caring for or being generous to others then Jesus says it is like we are doing these things for Him.
Lesson 10: Come to Jesus and worship Him
(Psalm 100:1-3)
We must worship Jesus because He deserves it! We should treat Him like our King and give Him the best of what we have.