Crafts – Printable Crafts

printable Crafts

Abraham - Activity Page smaller
(Activity Page)
Abraham - Colour Page smaller
(Colour Page)
Abraham - Gods promises to you smaller
(God's promises to you)
smaller craft jpeg
Ananias and Saul
(Folding Page)
Armour of God - Good News Sandals smaller
Armour of God
(Good News Sandles)
Armour of God - Good News Shoes smaller
Armour of God:
Good News Shoes
Armour of God - Guard your heart (Breastplate) smaller
Armour of God:
Breastplate of Righteousness
Armour of God - Helmet of Salvation Activity Page smaller
Armour of God:
Helmet of Salavtion
Armour of God -Put on the armour smaller
Armour of God:
Put on the armour
Shield of Faith smaller
Armour of God:
Shield of Faith
Armour of God - Swords smaller
Armour of God:
Sword of the Spirit
Be Wise - Wordsearch (Ephesians 5 vs15-17) smaller
Be Wise (Eph 5)
smaller craft jpeg
Be Patient
(Door Hanger)
Cheerful Giver - Bible Verse Code (2 Corinthians 9 vs 7) smaller
Cheerful Giver
(Code Breaker)
Children of the King - Photo Frame smaller
Child of the King
(Photo Frame)
David and Goliath (flinging stone) smaller - Craft
David and Goliath
(Flinging Stone)
smaller craft jpeg
Elijah on the
smaller craft jpeg
Elijah Prays
(3D craft page)
smaller craft jpeg
smaller craft jpeg
(Story Order)
smaller craft jpeg
Faith & Good Deeds (Wordsearch)
Forgive - 4 give Numbers Necklace smaller
Forgive 4 Numbers
Forgive others - Cross Activity Page smaller
Forgive Others
Forgive Others -Colossians 3vs 13 heart Pic smaller
Forgive Others
gift craft smaller
Gift of Grace
(Colour Page)
smaller craft jpeg
God is always working
smaller craft jpeg
God is with
me when...
smaller craft jpeg
God is #1
(Foam Finger)
smaller craft jpeg
Godliness on
the inside
Grumbling Man smaller
Grumbling Man
(Folding Craft)
Maze - Imitate Jesus - smaller
Imitate Jesus
(Maze Activity)
smaller craft jpeg
Jacob's Story Board
Jesus is my example - Footprint Activity (1 Peter 2vs21b) smaller
Jesus is my example
Joseph Paper Doll smaller
(Paper Doll)
Kingdom Citizen (Passport) smaller
Kingdom Citizen
know jesus more (bookmark) smaller - craft
Know Jesus More
smaller craft jpeg
Look & Find Me
Magnifying Glass
Love Like Jesus - Activity Page smaller
Love like Jesus
(Activity Page)
Love Others - Voucher Booklet smaller
Love Others
(Voucher Booklet)
smaller craft jpeg
Make time for God
Moses Life Story Pic smaller
Life Story
New Man - Paper Doll Craft smaller
New Man
(Paper Doll)
Noah Rainbow Colour Page Pic smaller
(Colour Page)
Noah - Follow and Obey Gods colourful way smaller
Follow and Obey
Noah (Remember the Promise Rainbow) Pic smaller
Remember the promise

Parable of the Net - (Fish on a string) smaller
Fishing Net
Parable of the Good Samaritan - Hexagonal Booklet smaller
Good Samaritan
Parable of the Lost Coin - Flap Colour Page smaller
Lost Coin
Parable of Lost Sheep - Add cotton wool Colour Page smaller
Lost Sheep
Parable of Persisitant Friend (Flap) smaller
Persistent Friend
Parable of Talents - Money Bag Pouch (sew) smaller
smaller craft jpeg
Power of the tongue
Pray without Ceasing - Door Flap Craft smaller
(Door Flap)
Pray - Door Hanger smaller
Time to Pray
(Door Hanger)
Rahab - Hide the spies
Hide the Spies
Remember what God has done Pic smaller
Remember what God has done
Road to Salvation Pic smaller
Road to
Sliding Face (blank) smaller
Sliding Face:
Sliding Face (Blind Face)smaller
Sliding Face:
Blind Man
Sliding Face (Don_t worry) smaller
Sliding Face:
Don't Worry
Standing on God_s promises smaller
Standing on God's Promises
Stronger Together - Bible Verse Activity Page (Ecclesiastes 4 vs 9-12) smaller
Stronger together
(Activity Page)
Tell Others - Open the mouth template smaller
Tell Others
(Open mouth flap)
Thomas - Bible Verse Code Breaker smaller
(Code Breaker)
Thomas - Help me not doubt smaller
Help me not doubt
Tower of Babel - Bible Verse Code smaller
Tower of Bable:
(Code Breaker)
walk His Way (bookmark) smaller - Craft
Walk His Way
Cross - Walk His Way smaller
Walk His Way
Walk His Way - Footprint Activity (1 John 2vs6) smaller.jpg
Walk His Way
smaller craft jpeg
Worldliness vs Godliness (Wordsearch)
Zacchaues - Bible Verse Activity Page (Seek and Save the Lost) smaller
(Activity Page)
Zacchaues - Climbing the tree craft smaller
Climbing the tree
Joshua crosses Jordan Craft template
Joshua crossing the Jordan
Love all heart puzzle
Greatest Commandment (Puzzle)
Love all heart
Greatest Commandment (Deuteronomy 6:6)
noah front pic
Noah's Ark (Window flaps)
Chosen cross fingerprint craft sample
Chosen by God (Fingerprint cross)
Chosen handprint craft sample
Chosen by God (Handprint)
Made in God's Image (Reflection)
Eph 2 10 verse pictures COLOUR
God's masterpiece (Verse Cards)
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