Heart of Worship
Heart of Worship
Is there only one way we can worship God? Our desire for this curriculum is to teach our children the “Heart of Worship”. We want to reveal what genuine, Spirit-lead, unabandoned worship looks like and how we can display this kind of worship in every part of our lives.

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: Worship because God is worthy
(1 Chronicles 16:23-31)
Discover God’s unfailing love, how He is the King over everything, our creator, our shield and the one who hears our prayers and then you will see that worship cannot be taught but is rather a response to recognizing just how GREAT and WORTHY God is.
Lesson 2: Worship God with every breath
(Psalm 150:6)
As long as we have breath, we can worship God morning, noon and night. Have some fun playing some breath-taking games and learning how to do this practically.
Lesson 3: Worship God with your body
(Romans 12:1)
We can worship God with every part of our body but we need to make sure our hearts are always worshipping God too. Here are some Hebrew words that explain different ways we can worship God.
Lesson 4: Worship God with your words
(Psalm 71:8)
Jesus healed 10 lepers but only one came back to thank Him. Will you remember to fill your mouth with praise for God all day long?
Lesson 5: Worship God by obedience
(1 John 5:3)
Being obedient to God is an act of our worship to Him because it is an overflow of our love for Him. As we look at the 10 commandments remember to do them out of love for God.
Lesson 6: Worship God above everything
(Joshua 1:9)
Mary and Martha were both with Jesus but only one was making Jesus more important than everything else. We need to remember that God is with us wherever we go and we must not get too busy to worship Him.
Lesson 7: Worship because you are forgiven
(1 Corinthians 6:20; 1 John 1:9)
Simon neglected to welcome Jesus as he should have but the sinful woman washed Jesus feet with her tears and hair. Remember the great price that Jesus has paid on your behalf and worship Him because you are forgiven.