Building God’s Kingdom
Building God's Kingdom
The Greatest King looks at our children and says, “I have an important part for you to play in Building my Kingdom”. Let’s teach our children that God has called and equipped them to be a part of the church body.

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: God is the master builder
(Isaiah 64:8)
God is our master builder. The story of Jeremiah teaches us that God is the potter, and we are the clay. God has created us with a plan and purpose and so we need to listen and be willing to be changed by God as He sees fit.
Lesson 2: What are we building? GOD’S KINGDOM!
(Daniel 4:34)
King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream teaches us that only God’s Kingdom is everlasting! God is the King of His kingdom, and He has chosen us to help build it by telling others about Him.
Lesson 3: Jesus is the Cornerstone
(Psalm 118:22)
Jesus is our teacher, the promised saviour, a prophet and most importantly the cornerstone that we should be building our lives on.
Lesson 4: Lay the foundations
(Matthew 7:24-27)
The parable of the wise man that built his house on the rock teaches us how important it is for us to build our lives on God’s word.
Lesson 5: The Nehemiah Project
(Nehemiah 2:20)
Nehemiah showed perseverance to keep on building the wall no matter what difficulties came his way. Trust and pray to God to help you complete the things He has asked you to do.
Lesson 6: Fetch more bricks
(1 Peter 2:5)
Solomon was a king that chose the most perfect materials to build a temple where God would come and stay. Did you know that the Bible says we are living stones that God is building into His temple?
Lesson 7: Add the cement
(1 Thessalonians 5:11)
The church is not a building but the people who love Jesus, meeting together to worship Him and grow in His word. Jesus calls us to love one another and encourage one another and the Holy Spirit helps us do just that.
Lesson 8: Final Product
(Matthew 6:33)
Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded and it ended up saving him and his family’s lives. God wants us to obey Him and do things His way and not our own.
Lesson 9: Calling all builders
(1 Corinthians 12:12)
Just like the body has many parts, we make up the many parts of the body of Christ – His church. God has given us each specific gifts and when we use them as He intends, we will be building His Kingdom.
Lesson 10: Recap and games