The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord's Prayer
Jesus gave us a perfect example of how to pray and His life mirrored this too.This series takes a look at what Jesus teaches us about praying and looks at each line in the Lord’s Prayer.
Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
The Lord’s Prayer – Contents page
Lesson 1: Jesus taught us how to pray (Matthew 6:9-13)
You may feel nervous about praying, maybe you don’t know what to say or you’re worried you’ll make a mistake. The good news is that Jesus is the perfect teacher so let’s look closer at the example He gave us: The Lord’s Prayer.
Lesson 2: God listens to our prayers (Luke 11:9)
Jesus wanted you to keep on speaking to Him, to keep on asking Him, to keep on believing that He will give you the best answer. He is always listening, He loves you and He will help you.
Lesson 3: Our Father (1 John 3:1)
God is our perfect Father and that is who we are praying to. Knowing how perfect and powerful God our Father is helps us to pray with confidence.
Lesson 4: Hallowed be His name (Psalm 113:3)
God is worthy to be praised everywhere and all the time. When we pray, we are not only bringing our needs to Him but also giving Him the thanks and praise He deserves.
Lesson 5: God’s will be done (Matthew 6:10)
How great is Jesus that He prayed and trusted God to follow His will. We can learn from Jesus’ prayers, we should always pray for God’s will and not our own.
Lesson 6: Give us our daily bread (Philippians 4:19)
The people of Israel ate manna everyday while they were in the wilderness. God took care of them each day, one day at a time. Jesus wants us to depend on Him for everything we need too. We can trust God daily to give us the things we need.
Lesson 7: Forgive us our debts (Ephesians 4:32)
When the disciples asked how many times they should forgive each other, Jesus told them a parable that explained that God is a forgiving Father and we should forgive others the way He has forgiven us.
Lesson 8: Lead us not into temptation (1 Thessalonians 3:3)
Jesus warns believers that temptation will come because the devil wants people to sin and go against God. We should pray and ask God to help us resist temptation just like Daniel did.
Lesson 9: God and His Kingdom lasts forever (1 Chronicles 29:11)
The things around us don’t last forever but God and His Kingdom, power, majesty, victory, greatness and power do! Knowing this about God should change the way we pray.
Lesson 10: Pray in all circumstances for all people (1 Timothy 2:3-4)
When Jesus taught us to pray, He didn’t say “if you pray…” but rather “when you pray…” Having a relationship with God means talking to Him all the time about everything we are going through, asking Him for help and giving Him the thanks He deserves. Praying should not be something we might do but something we always do!