Hearing God Speak
Hearing God Speak
God speaks in many different ways and the aim of this series is to get the children excited about wanting to build their personal relationship with Jesus so they can know and obey His voice.

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: God is speaking
(1 Samuel 3:10)
God speaks to us in many different ways, and we should respond. God says: “I am speaking to you personally.” When God called Samuel by name, he responded by listening carefully and obeying. God wants us to do the same.
Lesson 2: Know His voice
(John 10:3-4)
We follow Jesus because He is the Good Shepherd. God says: “I want you to know my voice and spending time with God helps us recognize His voice.”
Lesson 3: God speaks through Jesus
(John 14:9)
By knowing who Jesus is and what He has done we get to know who God is too. God says: “My Son, Jesus, will lead you to Me.”
Lesson 4: Be still and listen
(Psalm 46:10)
Spending time quietly is important to hearing God’s voice. We shouldn’t get distracted by busyness when spending time with God. God says: “I want to spend time with you.”
Lesson 5: Trust what God is saying
(Proverbs 3:5)
God says: “Trust what I am saying.” When God speaks, we can trust that what He says will happen, even if it seems impossible. Joseph knew to trust God with his whole heart even when it seemed impossible.
Lesson 6: Who are you listening to
(Proverbs 3:6)
Sometimes we hear things that go against what God says. We need to make sure that we are listening to God before anyone else. Daniel kept his faith and listened to God even when it was difficult. God says: “Listen to Me first.”
Lesson 7: Listen and obey
(James 1:22)
Jonah knew God and knew His voice. Jonah chose not to obey God and got into a bad situation. God says: “Listen to me and obey what I say.”
Lesson 8: God speaks through creation
(Romans 1:20)
When we observe creation, we can see how great and powerful God is. We can hear God saying: “Worship Me” “Don’t worry, I will provide” “I created everything, I created you” “I am in control.”
Lesson 9: God speaks through the Bible
(Isaiah 40:8)
The Bible was written to teach and encourage us. We need to live our lives the way the Bible tells us so that we can be like “wise builders” who build on the Rock. God says: “My Message lasts forever.”
Lesson 10: God speaks through us
(Romans 10:13-15)
What we know about God, God wants us to pass on to others. God has given us Good News and He wants us to share it with others like glitter. God says: My Message is for everyone.”