Love is
Love is
Love is real, it is a verb, it is displayed in all scenarios and love is a person named Jesus. The encouragement is that our children will grasp the reality of what love is.

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: Love is the most important of all
(1 Corinthians 14:1)
Gifts from God are important but it is love that is the most important of all and what sets us apart as Christians.
Lesson 2: God is love
(Matthew 22:34)
The Bible is filled with stories of God showing love to His people. Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses and the Israelites just to name a few.
Lesson 3: Love is patient
(Colossians 3:13)
Jesus gave Peter the instruction to “Build His Church” yet Peter made a lot of good and bad choices along the way. We can be grateful that God’s love for us is so patient.
Lesson 4: Love is grateful & boasts in the Lord
(Psalm 9:1)
Ten lepers were healed by Jesus but how many returned to say thank you?
Lesson 5: Love is generous & kind
(1 Corinthians 13:4)
Jesus taught an important lesson about a good Samaritan who showed a man in need great kindness.
Lesson 6: Love is forgiving
(1 Corinthians 13:5)
King Saul chased and tried to kill David so many times – and when David has the chance to take revenge or to forgive let’s find out what he will decide.
Lesson 7: Love bears all things
(Psalm 66:19)
When things got tough and the lions got hungry, Daniel prayed to God and God listened to his prayers.
Lesson 8: Love is forever & for everyone
(Psalm 100:5)
God’s love is unconditional. It cannot be gained or lost and it goes on forever and ever.