Victory in Jesus
Victory in Jesus
We are victorious! God has given us the victory over temptation, fear and even death through His Son, Jesus!

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: God promises victory
(1 Corinthians 15:57)
What is victory and what does it mean to be victorious? How are we victorious in Jesus and how do we share in His victory?
It looked like Satan had won when Adam and Eve sinned, but God made a way for us to have victory over sin.
Lesson 2: Tell the Good news! (Easter)
(Mark 16:15)
God wants us to tell everyone we meet about what He did for us. He sent Jesus to die on the cross and be raised from the dead, defeating death. Why? Simply because He loves us!
Lesson 3: Jesus gives us victory over sin and death
(1 Corinthians 15:57)
Jesus was victorious over sin and death when He was raised back to life. This was God’s plan so that through Jesus we would have victory over sin and death too.
Lesson 4: Victory over fear (Armour of God)
(2 Timothy 1:7)
Put on God’s armour every day so that you can have victory over fear.
Lesson 5: Victory over temptation
(Ephesians 6:17)
Knowing God’s word is the best way for us to have victory over temptation and not fall into sin. Jesus spent forty days alone in the desert and yet had victory over temptation because He knew the word of God.
Lesson 6: Victory through faith
(Deuteronomy 20:4)
We already have victory through Jesus so we can have faith in God when He says He will; give you the victory! Joshua had faith in God and ultimately God helped him win an impossible battle.
Lesson 7: God is always with us
(Judges 6:12)
We do not have to be afraid when God asks us to do something because He promises to always be with us. Gideon was scared to do what God was asking him to do but God calls him a “mighty hero” and gives him the victory.
Lesson 8: A confident hope (Luke 18:27)
David knew that God would always guide him through impossible situations. Today we still have this confident hope. Our victory through Jesus is bigger than any giants we might face.
Lesson 9: Stay close to Jesus
(James 4:8)
It is important to stay close to Jesus through the good times and the bad. Mary Magdalene understood how staying close to Jesus would bring victory in every situation in her life.
Lesson 10: Before and after
(1 Corinthians 15:57)
Knowing that we already have victory through Jesus should change how we live. People could see a difference in James and John after they met Jesus, just like they should see a difference in us.