The Life of Peter
The Life of Peter
Peter was an ordinary person just like us and Jesus chose him to follow Him and tell others about Him. Jesus chooses us too. When we look at the life of Peter and everything he learnt, we find so many reasons to love Jesus.

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: Jesus calls Peter to fish for men
(Acts 4:13)
Peter was an ordinary person just like us and Jesus chose Him to follow Him and tell others about Him. Jesus chooses us too.
Another reason to love Jesus: He calls us just as we are.
Lesson 2: Peter sees the transfiguration of Jesus men
(2 Corinthians 4:6)
The truth about Jesus and His Kingdom were revealed and confirmed to Peter so that he could teach others the truth.
Another reason to love Jesus: He tells us and shows us who He is.
Lesson 3: Peter sees Jesus do many miracles
(Luke 18:27)
Peter saw Jesus’ power over creation, healing our bodies, sickness and death, and to provide. This made it easier for Peter to trust and know that Jesus could do the impossible.
Another reason to love Jesus: He can do the impossible.
Lesson 4: Peter denies but Jesus protects our faith
(1 Peter 1:5)
Jesus knows that we, like Peter, are weak. Jesus is praying for us, for our faith to be protected by God’s power.
Another reason to love Jesus: He loves us and guards our faith.
Lesson 5: Peter has breakfast with Jesus
(1 Peter 5:10)
Like Peter, remember that even when you mess up, Jesus is always holding onto you. He forgives, restores, supports and strengthens you, and He will never let go of you.
Another reason to love Jesus: He forgives us and restores us.
Lesson 6: Peter preaches at Pentecost
(Acts 1:8)
Jesus tells us to go and share with others what Jesus has done for us. But God doesn’t send us to do this all alone, He has given us the Holy Spirit to help us.
Another reason to love Jesus: He sent the Holy Spirit just like He promised.
Lesson 7: Peter heals in the name of Jesus
(Proverbs 18:10)
When we speak in the name of Jesus, we are speaking under His authority. It is the name of Jesus at work and not our own power.
Another reason to love Jesus: His name has power.
Lesson 8: Peter goes to Corneliu
(Acts 11:18)
Do you have a favourite chocolate or biscuit? God has no favourites, He loves everyone and gives everyone the chance to be forgiven and have eternal life through Jesus.
Another reason to love Jesus: He wants everyone to be saved.
Lesson 9: Peter’s friends pray and God answers
(1 John 5:14-15)
Peter was in jail set to be put to death the next day but his friends prayed and God did a miracle. Who are you praying to? Who are you praying for? And who is praying for you?
Another reason to love Jesus: He hears and answers our prayers.
Lesson 10: Reasons to love Jesus
(Psalm 103:1)
Peter’s story gives us so many reasons why it is easy to love Jesus. Our love for Jesus should be what motivates us to live lives that please Him.