Introducing the Old Testament
Introducing the Old Testament
In this series, we’ll explore the main sections of the Old Testament, from creation to the prophets, and discover how they all point to Jesus.

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: An overview of the Old Testament (2 Timothy 3:16)
Did you know that the Bible is like God speaking to us? The Bible says that all scripture is inspired by God and helps teach us what is true. If the Bible is His special message to us, shouldn’t we be reading, listening to and obeying it? Of course we should!
Lesson 2: God’s plans stand firm forever (Genesis)
The Book of Genesis is about the beginning of everything. Everything, except God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit – as they were always there and will always be there. Reading Genesis will help you see that God’s plans stand forever.
Lesson 3: God sets us free (Exodus)
Life was very difficult for the Israelites when they were slaves in Egypt but God heard their cries and He sent the plagues to show that He was the one and only true God and they were set free. Year after year the Israelite people remembered how God had set them free. God sent His Son Jesus to free us from the slavery of sin.
Lesson 4: Laws from God (Leviticus – Deuteronomy)
God’s laws for the Israelites were good laws as they were the only way for the people to be forgiven and made Holy. But the people could not keep all the laws all the time and they kept on sinning. All these laws show us that we need Jesus to make us Holy!
Lesson 5: The only perfect King (Joshua – Esther)
When we look at all the kings we can see that some of them were good but none of them were perfect. God sent a perfect King for us to serve, He sent us His Son Jesus.
Lesson 6: Living a life of worship (Job – Songs)
The poetry books in the Bible are filled with poems and songs about how amazing God is, wise sayings about how to live a life that pleases God. These books show us what a life of worship looks like.
Lesson 7: Prophets bring warning from God (Isaiah – Malachi)
God sent messages to His people through prophets. A prophet is someone who God chooses to give His specific messages to His people. These messages were warnings to stop sinning and return to Him.
Lesson 8: Prophecies of Jesus (Isaiah – Malachi)
From the moment the very first people sinned, God promised to send a Saviour. God sent us over 300 messages through the prophets to tell us exactly what that Saviour would be like. And Jesus matched every single one of them!
Lesson 9: God’s Kingdom lasts forever (Daniel)
In ancient times people built magnificent structures and they may have thought they would last forever but over time these buildings have crumbled and been destroyed. The Bible tells us that only one Kingdom will last forever, God’s Kingdom!
Lesson 10: Can you see Jesus (Old Testament Summary)
Even though the Bible is divided up into two parts, it is still one big story about God’s love and plan for salvation, with Jesus at the centre.