Jesus is the greatest
Jesus is the greatest
Who does the Bible say Jesus is? Creator, Son of God, Teacher, Saviour, humble servant and so much more! If Jesus is all of these things, how does that change our hearts?

Click on the dropdown below for an intro to each lesson within the curriculum
Lesson 1: Jesus is our creator
(Colossians 1:16)
Jesus existed before the world was created and all things were made through His power. Taking a closer look at the 6 days of creation and at the wonderful things He has made, shows us just how amazing our creator is.
Lesson 2: Jesus is the promised one
(Matthew 16:16)
When Jesus asked the question. “who do you say I am?” some said He was John the baptiser, others Elijah, some Jeremiah or a prophet. Peter, however, knew the truth – Jesus is God’s son the promised Saviour of the world.
Lesson 3: Jesus is God’s son
(Matthew 3:17)
The nativity story is not just a story to be told at Christmas time, but is an important story that reminds us that Jesus was born as a man so that He could die for our sins.
Lesson 4: Jesus is our teacher
(John 7:16)
Even as a young boy, Jesus was found teaching in the temple. He taught on mountains, on boats, in homes and even at the supper table. And where did Jesus say His message came from? “My teaching comes from the one who sent me.”
Lesson 5: Jesus is I AM
(John 14:6)
The Bible is filled with different names of Jesus. Let’s look at what each of these mean to us.
Lesson 6: Jesus is King of all
(Matthew 28:18)
All authority has been given to Jesus and His miracles show us that He has power over everything. Jesus truly is the king of all kings.
Lesson 7: Jesus is a humble servant
(Mark 10:45)
Ahab & Jezebel, Herod Antipas, King Herod and Pharaoh were all kings but none of them served others like Jesus did. Not only did Jesus serve His disciples by washing their feet but He came to serve each one of us too by dying for our sins.
Lesson 8: Jesus is our saviour
(John 3:16)
The Old Covenant showed us the need for a saviour while the New Covenant shows us God’s love for us and how we receive eternal life when we believe in Jesus.
Lesson 9: Jesus is life
(John 4:16)
How wonderful is it to know that Jesus is alive in Heaven today and He will one day return to earth again! Because of Jesus we can have eternal life with God.